Here's the link to the article because my blogger wouldn't let me copy and paste: http://fr.news.yahoo.com/76/20110402/twl-japon-un-chien-secouru-21-jours-aprs-1a8f422.html
Summary of article:
On Saturday, a Japanese coast guard rescued a dog drifting in the sea on a scrap of a roof from a house three weeks after the Japanese tsunami. The animal was found unharmed and was spotted by a helicopter. It was retrieved by a boat, but was scared by the noise. The dog was a dark colour, medium-sized, soft, fit and wore a collar, but there are no other indications of its owner. The dog ate sausages and biscuits given to it by the coastguard and seemed to enjoy them. No one is sure exactly how long it had been out at sea, but if had been out the full three weeks, it would have been alone for 21 days alone with no food, scared. It's a good job it was found when it was.
C'est bien, ça fait oublier un peu les 200 000 morts! C'est une bonne histoire quand même.