This article is about the release of the new film "Alice in Wonderland" which can now be viewed in 3D. The film is an adaptation of the fairytale "Alice in Wonderland" directed by Tim Burton.
The word “wonder” comes from Latin “mirabilia” used formerly to indicate an astonishing thing. A wonder is a remarkable thing, often rare, which causes admiration by its beauty, its value or its size.
In the ancient world, a list of the Seven wonders of the world was carried out. They are seven monuments whose beauty is considered to be higher than the others.
“I am late, late, late”: it is while following this strange rabbit, reducing, its watch with the hand, that Alice plunges to the Country of Wonder, a country well far from her own, where all is absurd, put out of order and mysterious. Left in 1865, the tale of Lewis Caroll immediately was an immense success for both adults and children. However, the book had criticisms: through this imaginary world, place of disputes, excess and paradoxes, Lewis Caroll made fun of the real-world and denounced the English company, too ordered and strict, according to him. The large white rabbit, the beautiful Alice, the giant labyrinth and the cat with the large eyes. The story is all present in the film, but has been adapted to Tim Burton's liking. Johnny Depp, interprets the role of the insane Hatter and Australian Mia Wasikowska, the young Alice. The 3D makes this universe fantastic and more real than ever! So don't miss out!
The word “wonder” comes from Latin “mirabilia” used formerly to indicate an astonishing thing. A wonder is a remarkable thing, often rare, which causes admiration by its beauty, its value or its size.
In the ancient world, a list of the Seven wonders of the world was carried out. They are seven monuments whose beauty is considered to be higher than the others.
“I am late, late, late”: it is while following this strange rabbit, reducing, its watch with the hand, that Alice plunges to the Country of Wonder, a country well far from her own, where all is absurd, put out of order and mysterious. Left in 1865, the tale of Lewis Caroll immediately was an immense success for both adults and children. However, the book had criticisms: through this imaginary world, place of disputes, excess and paradoxes, Lewis Caroll made fun of the real-world and denounced the English company, too ordered and strict, according to him. The large white rabbit, the beautiful Alice, the giant labyrinth and the cat with the large eyes. The story is all present in the film, but has been adapted to Tim Burton's liking. Johnny Depp, interprets the role of the insane Hatter and Australian Mia Wasikowska, the young Alice. The 3D makes this universe fantastic and more real than ever! So don't miss out!
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